Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Our field trip was a wonderful introduction to the new first grade Planner.
The IB Planner theme for mid-November until the winter break is "How the World Works." The IB Central Idea for this Planner is: “There are naturally occurring cycles all around us.” Students will be inquiring into cycles of living things, cycles of non-living things, and the similarities and differences of natural cycles.

Students will discuss questions such as: What kinds of cycles are there? How does a cycle progress from one stage to the next? What are the similarities and differences of the cycles? What is the difference between a cycle and a pattern? How does a cycle end? What responsibilities do we have in protecting natural cycles? What is the difference between a cycle and a system?

Students will also improve their understanding of the Independent Investigation Method. We will model use of the seven research steps in class. Students will also use the IIM to learn more about a cycle.

You may want to support the Planner concepts at home by sequencing pictures of animal life cycles, by taking a nature walk or trip to the zoo and noting aspects of cycles you observe, by discussing and comparing different types of cycles, and/or by a reading book or watching a video about a cycle together.