Friday, October 19, 2012


The first grade IB Planner Theme for the remainder of October will be "How We Organize Ourselves." The planner focuses on the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities, and the structure and function of organization. The IB Central Idea for this Planner is: “Systems have parts that need to work together in order to be most effective.”

Students will improve their understanding of how families, classrooms, schools, clubs, cities, businesses, fire departments, and assembly line factories are organized. They will also discuss questions such as: What is a system? What are different types of systems? How do systems work? What are the rules, roles, and routines within a system? Why are rules, roles, and routines important within systems? What happens if one part of a system doesn’t work? How do the parts of the system affect the entire system? What systems am I a part of? What is my role in my system? How does my role affect the systems I am a part of? Which systems provide goods and services?

You can help your child by talking about the systems, rules, roles, and routines you have in your home. You may even want to challenge your child to think of ways to improve their present method of completing homework, cleaning up, dressing, getting ready for school, getting ready for bed, etc.