Monday, April 29, 2013

Overview of Week 33

Question of the week – How can a great idea make our lives easier?
Amazing Words – convenient, engine, pilot, steer, cellar, furnace
Phonics – Diphthongs oi, oy, oo
Main Idea & Details

Problem Solving
Mathematics Procedures
Addition & Subtraction Facts

Pollution, Acid Rain, Waste Disposal
Water Cycle
Importance of Water

Non-point Source Pollution
Pollution and Solutions
Cinco de Mayo

Monday, April 22, 2013

Stanford Homework

Stanford testing will be the week of May 6th - 10th. We have been preparing for Stanford testing at school. For the next two weeks math homework will be problem solving packets. This homework will help give extra practice in listening carefully, following directions and solving math problems. Please read the directions for each question orally to your child. The directions are at the bottom of each page.

The completed math homework packet is due on Friday. Thanks!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Overview of Week 32

Question of the week – When does a problem need a clever solution?
Amazing Words – clever, intend, predicament, grumpy, exhausted, furious, batter, griddle
Phonics – Diphthongs ow, ou
Imperative Sentences
Character, Setting, Plot

Problem Solving
Mathematics Procedures
Addition & Subtraction Facts

Uses of Water
How Faucets Work

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Recycled Robot
Water Pollution

Friday, April 19, 2013


Get ready...another fun activity. On Friday, April 26th we will be having Camp Read-A-Lot. The kids can bring their favorite stuffed animal to read with, small pillow & blanket, and books, books, & books!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


As we launched into this planner we considered the central idea and developed questions that would help guide us during our unit of study. Let me share with you some of the questions from our Wonder Wall that launched our inquiry process.

Central Idea
Clean water is an essential resource with limited availability
Lines of Inquiry
The importance of water to humans and ecosystems
The conservation, usage, and pollution of water
The scarcity of clean water in many parts of the world
Questions we asked to launch our inquiry
How do people pollute water?
Where does water come from?
How much water do people use each day?
When will we run out of water?
How long should you turn on the water to brush your teeth?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's Robot Time!

Your family is to create a robot using recyclable items!!!The "Recycled Robots" project is due on Monday, April 22nd. The children will be writing about the robots in class. They will need to explain how the robot was made, what materials were used and what job the robot performs. Can't wait to see all the creative robots!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How We Share the Planet

The first grade IB Planner Theme for the remainder of the school year is “How We Share the Planet.” The central idea is that clean water is an essential resource with limited availability. Students will focus on why it is important to care for the earth’s water. Our specific IB inquiries for this planner are into: (1) the importance of water to humans and ecosystems; (2) the conservation, usage, and pollution of water; and (3) the scarcity of clean water in many parts of the world.

Our activities in this Planner will broaden your child’s awareness of the rights and responsibilities in sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things

Monday, April 15, 2013

Overview of Week 31

Question of the week – What treasure can we share at home? and
What treasures can we share?
Amazing Words – jealous, relatives, siblings, secret, porridge, collector, seriousness, flourish, admire, sadness, dwell, resident, welcome, substantial, tremendous
Phonics – Vowel Digraph ue, ew, ui, Suffixes ly, ful, Vowel Sound oo
Compound Words,
Theme & Cause and Effect

Grid Puzzles
Fractional Parts of a Whole
Addition & Subtraction Facts
Problem Solving

Rocks and Minerals
Natural Resources
How We Use Water

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Endangered Animals
Why Water is Important

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Overview of Week 30

Question of the week – What do we treasure special places?
Amazing Words – impression, familiar, favorite, memory, errand, stampede
Phonics – Vowel Digraph ie, igh, Consonant Pattern kn, wr
Adjectives for What Kind
Fact & Details

Sharing 12 Pennies
Exploring Fractional Parts
Addition Facts
Problem Solving

Rocks and Minerals
Natural Resources

Cardinal Directions
Earth Day
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Monday, April 8, 2013


Our class will present The Ugly Woodpecker and Rafunzel on Thursday, April 11, at 9:30 a.m. The show will be performed on the stage in the cafeteria. Plan to be here by 9:15 to sign in, if you are in the system we will have your badge ready. Please plan to attend. Don’t forget your camera!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Overview of Week 29

Question of the week – What treasures can we find in our country?
Amazing Words – nation, symbol, tourist, splinter, sunken, abandon, harbor, statue
Phonics – Vowel Digraph oa, ow, Three-letter Consonant Blends
Adjectives for Size
Fact & Details

Number Stories
Making change
Equal Parts

Properties of Matter
Needs of a Seed
Properties of Soil

Map & Globe Skills
Cardinal Directions
Compass Rose