Thursday, February 28, 2013

Field Trip

Our field trip to the Main Street Theatre is Thursday, March 21st. Please send back the permisssion slip and money by Tuesday, March 5th.

Please remember to send your child wearing their red Roberts shirt. We will eat lunch at Roberts and leave the school at 11:45 am. We will return to Roberts around 2:00 pm.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Overview of Week 25

Question of the week – What changes can be seen in nature?
Amazing Words – cycle, develop, insect, rearrange, flurries,
emerge, fragile, vessel
Phonics – Vowel er, ir, ur
Fact & Opinion

Reference Book
Data Landmarks
Attribute Rules

Food Chains

IIM Research
Expert Presentations
St. Patrick’s Day

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Go Texan Day

Friday, February 22
Students are encouraged to wear western outfits on Friday, February 22. Ideas include blue jeans, cowboy boots, suede-looking vests, bandannas and/or sheriff badges. Please remember that toy weapons are not permitted at school, even on Go Texan Day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Overview of Week 24

Question of the week – What changes happen in a garden?
Amazing Words – gardener, nature, sprout, dim, shade, sprinkling, destroy, humongous
Phonics – Add ed, ar
Verbs for Past & Future

“What’s My Rule?” Routine
Digital Clocks
Addition & Subtraction Facts


George Washington
Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 18, 2013

Parent Thoughts

Parents, please take a moment to share your thoughts about the Roberts IB Primary Years Programme. This 4 question survey is critical to our self-study process as we prepare for evaluation by IB.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

E-mail or Snail Mail

THANKS!!! Almost everyone has returned their sheet and self-addressed stamped envelope. Your child will write you a letter this week and will be sending you an e-mail next Monday, February 18th. We will be comparing and contrasting email and US postal mail as two forms of communication to see which one gets to you faster. If possible, please check your email between 9:30 and 10:45 and reply as soon as you receive your child's email. If you cannot respond immediately, please respond at your earliest opportunity. Your child’s U.S. mail letter will also be mailed on Monday. Please tell your child the date in which the U.S. mail letter is received at your home. I am sure your child would enjoy watching you open their letter to you. This is a fun activity that really allows the students to understand how technology has changed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Share the Love

During Students in Action’s “Share the Love” campaign, we are collecting new socks of all kinds (men’s, women’s, kids, babies, etc.) to donate to the Star of Hope. If we can collect at least 300 pairs of socks by Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Graves has agreed to let the whole school have a “Sock Day” the Friday before Spring Break. Bring your socks and help share the love!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Overview of Week 23

Question of the week – What can we learn about animals as they
grow and change?
Amazing Words – features, mature, natural, swoop, crumple,
nibble, nudges, wriggle
Phonics – Suffix es & Plural es
Verbs that do not add s
Fact & Opinion

Addition & Subtraction Facts
Fact Triangles

Earth & Space
Sun & Moon

Chinese New Year
Transportation & Communication