Sunday, September 30, 2012

Parent Math Night

Parent Math Night
October 2, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
Roberts Cafe
This is your golden ticket to understanding the math curriculum, and your opportunity to help your child develop algebraic thinking. We will discuss the design of our curriculum, Everyday Math, and will share the routines of the spiraling curriculum that keep the curriculum fresh for your child. You will take home a Home Connection Handbook that will serve as a resource for you, as well as learn how to use the online resources. Help us get a good head count as we prepare materials by completing the RSVP on The Principal's Page

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We are off to a great start this year. We have mainly been setting routines, establishing community, getting to know one another, and having FUN!!

Red folders with graded papers will be coming home today. Please take out the papers, sign the folder note and return the next day. Today, there was also a PROGRESS REPORT in their red folder. Please sign and return. I will be sending the folders home about every two weeks.

Homework is in full swing this week. Reading word lists will continue to be sent home each Monday, math home links will come home daily. Home readers will come home daily, I will exchange the books as needed each week. Please have the kids keep their library books and book bags in their backpacks. Our library day is on TUESDAY!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Overview of Week 5

Question of the week – What is around us at school?
Amazing Words – classmate, education, polite, principal, recess, science, complicated, success, applaud
Phonics – r, w, j, short e
Identify the plot in a narrative text

Number Stories
Addition Number Sentences
Unit 1 Skills Review

Five Senses

Action Cycle

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Where is Mrs. Savarese?

We went to Science Lab today! Would you like to know what happens here?


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Our social worker, Mrs. Chase-Hopkins visited first grade classes today. We talked about how to be a good friend. Then we took turns acting out how to be a good friend and how not to be a good friend. It was FUN!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Overview of Week 4

Question of the week – What can we do with our neighborhood friends?
Amazing Words – amusing, neighbor, introduce, corner, trouble, deliver, porch, squirrel
Phonics – d, l, h short o
Simple Sentences
Recognize the difference between realism & fantasy in narrative text

Working in Small groups
Exploring Math Materials
Weather & Temperature Routines

Five Senses

Johnny Appleseed
IB Attitudes

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The children were very excited to pick out their new reading book bags & decorate their name tags! Your child’s classroom book bag will be coming home every night. Please spend 15 to 20 minutes reading each night. Re-reading builds fluency and automaticity, and strengthens reading skills.

I appreciate your support of your child’s journey into reading. Thanks for helping your child return their book bags and blue folders each day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Our first IB Planner is "Who We Are." Your child's vest project, and the related activities, will enable us to move into greater depth in our study of similarities and differences, friendship, tolerance, and respect. The IB Central Idea for this Planner is: “How we choose to act with others affects our relationships.” If possible, try and incorporate this idea into your family interactions and general conversations with your child.

The IB inquiries related to this Planner are:
(1) Thoughts, words and actions
(2) Positive and negative choices
(3) Character traits
(4) Friendship

Again, you may want to incorporate these concepts into discussion of situations, stories, and/or movies your child encounters.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Curriculum/Parent Night

First Grade Curriculum/Parent Night is Tuesday, September 11th at 6:30 pm. Come and see what your child’s classroom and day is like. We will be discussing overall expectations, curriculum, differentiation, and IB. I hope to see you all there!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Overview of Week 3

Question of the week – What is outside our door?
Amazing Words – active, lawn, pavement, newspaper,
puddle, banner, overflowing, patio
Phonics – f, b, g, short i
Recognize plot in realistic fiction

Comparing Numbers
Recording tally Marks
Investigating Likely Outcomes

Five Senses

Vest Presentation
How to Treat Others

Friday, September 7, 2012

Terrific Two Weeks

Wow! The first TWO weeks have flown by…The kids are absolutely fabulous. I am having such a wonderful time getting to know all of your children!

Don't forget the "ALL ABOUT ME" vests are due on Wednesday, September 12th. The students will be telling the class all about their vest! I sent home the Oral Presentation grading rubric to help your child prepare.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Eager to Learn

We have had a great first week together in first grade. Your children are eager to learn and make new friends!

The daily blue folders will have classroom news and homework. Just send the folder and homework back the next day. This will be our daily method of communication along with email and blog.

If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or put a note in your child's daily folder. I look forward to working with each of you. Thanks so much for all your support!

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Overview of Week 2

Question of the week – Who is in our family?
Amazing Words - adult, childhood, depend, portrait, gallery, entertain, scurry
Phonics - m c, p, n, short a
Nouns for places
Recognize setting in realistic fiction

Tools for Doing Math
Number Writing Practice
One More, One Less

Five Senses

Labor Day
Essential Agreements/Classroom Rules
SAFE Acronym
Amazing Words - furniture, tidy, unwind, cozy, middle, straw, yawn